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Emulation News
Saturday, October 17, 2009: Added the latest MAME version 0.134 to the MAME Emulators section. Visit the MAME Emulators section for more information on this emulator.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009:
Added the latest SNES9X version 1.51 to the Super Nintendo Emulators section. Check out the Super Nintendo Emulators section for more information on this emulator.

Friday, October 2, 2009:
More updates to the site. Added affiliates section and legitimate 'paid to' programs. Check out the new blogs, among them Free Money.

Saturday, June 13, 2009:
New version of the Gamecube Emulator Dolphin released. Check out the Gamecube Emulators section for more information on the new Gamecube emulator.

Sunday, May 24, 2009:
More updates to the site. New Emulator and ROM Sections added. Just finishing moving the site to a new server. Enjoy!

Thursday, September 6, 2007:
Lots and lots of updates to the site all over including a new featured ROMs section and a ROM in the spotlight section. Also, we are currently looking for affiliates so if you own a website and would like distribution via a free link email me. Please note: only the Nintendo (NES) ROMs section is up right now. The GBA ROMs, N64 ROMs, PS2 ROMs SNES ROMs etc are all down. I will try to post new free ROMs in the near future.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007:

MAME version 0.116 has been released. Check out the MAME Emulators section for more infomation on the new MAME emulator.

Sunday, March 24, 2007:

SNEmulDS version 0.4 has been released!  SNEmulDS is a Super Nintendo emulator for the Nintendo DS. This release contains various bug fixes, which should improve compatibility and stability.  Some minor features have also been added like options saved in save states, background layer selector, and hinge support.  Fore more information on the SNEmulDS emulator, visit the Nintendo DS Emulators Section.

Monday, March 12, 2007:

MAME version 0.113 has been released! A new version of the infamous MAME emulator has been released. For more information on the new MAME emulator visit the MAME Emulators Section.

Friday, March 02, 2007:

Nestopia version 1.36 has been released! Nestopia is an open-source Nintendo (NES) emulator for multiple platforms.  For more information on the new Nintendo (NES) emulator visit the Nintendo Emulators Section.
ROMs, Emulators - Emulation Embassy
ROMs, Emulators - The Emulation Embassy
Use the left column to navigate the site and view the N64 ROMs, GBA ROMs, MAME ROMs, PSP ROMs, PS2 ROMs, SNES ROMs and Emulators. And for those of you who don't know what emulation is I will describe it briefly.

Emulation allows you to play other console systems, computers, and even calculators on your computer without having any additional hardware. Emulators basically copy the given system and allow you to play ROMs which are equivalent to the games for the system.

For example, if you wanted to play NES ROMs on your computer you would have to download the one of the NES emulators from the Nintendo Emulators Section. Then you need to download some ROMs, which are the games for the emulators. You can't play the ROMs without the emulator!

ROMs, just like any commercial software, are copyrighted material. Therefore, it is illegal to download ROMs unless you own the original game. ROMs are not distributed with the emulators on this site, but we will point you in the right direction...
ROMs, Emulators - Emulation Embassy
ROMs, Emulators - Emulation Embassy
N64 ROM - Super Smash Brothers
Super Smash Brothers is an incredible game for the Nintendo 64. Download n64 ROMs like Super Smash Brothers in the Nintendo 64 ROMs section.

(Right) Youtube video of me playing Smash Brothers N64 ROM on Project64 version 1.6, a very good Nintendo 64 emulator.

For more information, click here.
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ROMs, Emulators - Emulation Embassy

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

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